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NEW! After his disastrous trip to the West Coast in the previous issue, The Sire finds himself struggling to make ends meet as his alter-ego Donald Wright. Meanwhile, a super-powered Syndicate is building behind the scenes, ready to unleash itself against our unsuspecting hero.

Written, & Drawn By: Michael Dolce
Additional Pencils By Soussherpa
Edits: Guido Fondoochi


The Sire #9
2016-04-05T07:20:06-04:00April 5th, 2016|The Sire|

This is Dope! Spread the Word

NEW! After his disastrous trip to the West Coast in the previous issue, The Sire finds himself struggling to make ends meet as his alter-ego Donald Wright. Meanwhile, a super-powered Syndicate is building behind the scenes, ready to unleash itself against our unsuspecting hero.

Written, & Drawn By: Michael Dolce
Additional Pencils By Soussherpa
Edits: Guido Fondoochi


The Sire #9
2016-04-05T07:20:06-04:00April 5th, 2016|The Sire|

This is Dope! Spread the Word

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