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Summer ComicCon 2019 Recap: SDCC 2019, WW Philadelphia & Eternal Con

2019-10-14T14:19:48-04:00July 26th, 2019|Appearances, Conventions, News|

We say thanks for a great Motor City Con. We look ahead to Wizard World Philadelphia and Eternal Con. And we interview rocker Ben Folds, activist Jaime Tworkowski and talk Godzilla and Game of Thrones on Secrets of the Sire podcast.

2018 New York Comic Con Exclusives Revealed

2018-10-10T10:21:36-04:00September 26th, 2018|Conventions, News, The Mainstream, The Sire|

Pre-Sale available NOW! First 25 Responders Can you believe New York Comic Con is next week? Between all the hype surrounding The Mainstream, the Secrets of the Sire podcast and the successful SIRE Vol 2 TPB, it's been an overwhelmingly positive 2018 for Mikebooks. Time to wrap things up [...]

Thank You From Wizard World Philadelphia 2018

2019-11-14T14:36:00-05:00May 23rd, 2018|Conventions, News|

Creator Michael Dolce pitched SONY, presented two panels on 'Breaking In' & introduced the Mainstream & The Sire Vol 2 TPB Kickstarter to the masses! Creator Michael Dolce & PR Guru Tom Martin Host The "Breaking Into Comics Through Social Media" Panel A productive weekend indeed! May [...]

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