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2018 New York Comic Con Exclusives Revealed

2018-10-10T10:21:36-04:00September 26th, 2018|Conventions, News, The Mainstream, The Sire|

Pre-Sale available NOW! First 25 Responders Can you believe New York Comic Con is next week? Between all the hype surrounding The Mainstream, the Secrets of the Sire podcast and the successful SIRE Vol 2 TPB, it's been an overwhelmingly positive 2018 for Mikebooks. Time to wrap things up [...]

The Sire #10

2017-10-05T10:15:58-04:00October 5th, 2017|The Sire|

The Sire is BACK! Following last issue’s cliffhanger The Sire is lost in time courtesy of Mariano Nicieza’s PHAZER! Tying into the War of the Independents crossover, The Sire and Phazer must fight through prehistoric baddies, the Mongols and their mistrust to make it back to present day. Written by Michael Dolce & Mariano [...]

The Sire #9

2016-04-05T07:20:06-04:00April 5th, 2016|The Sire|

NEW! After his disastrous trip to the West Coast in the previous issue, The Sire finds himself struggling to make ends meet as his alter-ego Donald Wright. Meanwhile, a super-powered Syndicate is building behind the scenes, ready to unleash itself against our unsuspecting hero. Written, & Drawn By: Michael Dolce Additional Pencils By Soussherpa [...]

The Sire #9

2016-04-05T07:20:06-04:00April 5th, 2016|The Sire|

NEW! After his disastrous trip to the West Coast in the previous issue, The Sire finds himself struggling to make ends meet as his alter-ego Donald Wright. Meanwhile, a super-powered Syndicate is building behind the scenes, ready to unleash itself against our unsuspecting hero. Written, & Drawn By: Michael Dolce Additional Pencils By Soussherpa [...]

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