Due to popular demand i’ll be blogging on Mikebooks.com twice a week! We’ve already had tremendous responses to previous posts and generated a ton of great feedback and interaction. So why stop there? Starting this week here is the new post schedule for Mikebooks.com:

Monday & Friday: New blog post. I’ll alternate between tackling topics in the comic book industry that I think demand a conversation and projects I’m working on (and believe me, it’s a LOT). Self-publishing tips, tricks, helpful hints. Want to break in? I’ve broken in and out and am trying to break back in again, I can help. Continuity in comics – does it matter? The ever challenging print vs digital debate? I’ve got you covered! I’ll also be using this forum to tackle responses so don’t be surprised to see your name referenced on these very pages..er posts.

So gear up for part three of my digital vs print debate coming this Friday: What retailers need to become to survive. If you missed last week’s entry feel free to click here to catch up:

Michael Dolce is the creator of The Sire for After Hours Press/MBD Studios Inc and Descendant for Image Comics. He’s also got some cool things coming down the pipeline that he is sure to subliminally plug while he merciliessly preaches to you in this blog.