So I’m happy to report that we have reached our funding goal! But does that mean the campaign is over? Heck, no! Let’s talk Stretch Goals and (shudder) Dropped Backers.

First things first: Mo’ money mo’ pages. I think a cool way to keep folks into the campaign is to truly give them something to stretch for. Some peeps didn’t realize that once the goal was hit the campaign still continues. So besides a good stretch goal, education is a must for those not familiar with Kickstarter. For me, the best goal I could think of (and my most desirable goal to boot) was to increase the amount of actual story and art you get. My 32 page first issue will end around the traditional 22-24 page mark. So with that beings said (drum roll please):
STRETCH GOAL #1: $3200: If we can break the $3200 goal mark then you will get a five page preview of Issue #2 at the end of the first issue. That’s 5 more pages of story and art! Help make this happen by spreading the word!
Now onto issue #2…Drop Outs!
So during the course of the campaign I did indeed have 2 backers that for some unknown reason, cancelled their pledge. Which got me thinking (nervously I might add) what if someone drops with 30 minutes to go and my pledge total falls under the $2500. I emailed kickstarter and this is what they said:
I emailed them again to triple check that it means I’m safe, but from the looks of their response it appears I am. Not that anyone will drop out, but you just never know. Ok folks, if you haven’te pledged yet now is the time to do so! We’re 8 days from the finale. Thanks again to all who have!
KEEP SPREADING THE WORD! To pledge, go to: