Secrets of the Sire Blog2019-04-17T17:22:28-04:00


Blogging on a Friday Night

So it's not even officially launched but I'm blogging on a Friday night. Thanks to @brianbish for inspiring this. (Or is it the Miller lite?) But 2014 - oh yeah! Feel really good about where [...]

January 3rd, 2014|

New Blog Site Coming

Brace yourselves folks. I've got a new Blog Site coming devoted strictly to pretty much everything I'm doing. In the meantime, as a follow up from last week, check out the finished colors to the [...]

August 19th, 2013|

News, Reviews & More

Taking a moment to dish on some of the comics out there keeping me warm this holiday season while I'm hard at work on new issues of The Sire, the Sire App, and our daily [...]

December 11th, 2012|

Blogging while drunk

It's not quite as dangerous as driving...but it's close... No but seriously, I'm watching this god awful Thursday night game (f'real why is Jacksonville on national TV again???) And I'm thinking and blogging and tweeting. [...]

December 15th, 2011|

Using References in Comics

For those of us not blessed with the artistic prowess of Jim Lee, we need to resort to little tricks of the trade to make our stuff look...well, professional. Namely: reference. I can spot a [...]

November 17th, 2011|
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