The SIRE: Lost in Time #1
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The Sire returns! Fast forwarding a few weeks after the last issue ended, the Sire is back in full force, tracking down all those who have been transformed by the same alien energy that gives his costume its power. But when a new threat emerges, it places his personal life at odds with his super powered alter ego and a choice must be made that will change his life forever!
Featuring a stunning cover by renowned artist Dave Johnson and featuring art by fan favorites Daniel Leister & Will Torres, The Sire: Lost in Time #1 is the 7th chapter in the SIRE saga
Written, Lettered, Colored by Michael Dolce
Art by Michael Dolce, Daniel Leister, Jacob Newell, Various
Published by Sire Studios (formerly Mikebooks) 24 Pages Full Color.
The Sire is © and TM 2006-2025 Michael Dolce.