Creator Michael Dolce pitched SONY, presented two panels on ‘Breaking In’ & introduced the Mainstream & The Sire Vol 2 TPB Kickstarter to the masses!

Creator Michael Dolce & PR Guru Tom Martin Host The “Breaking Into Comics Through Social Media” Panel
A productive weekend indeed! May 18-21st, 2018 marked the 18th annual Wizard World Philadephia ComicCon and we here at Mikebooks took full advantage.
In addition to introducing the brand new comic book The Mainstream to the general public, creator Michael Dolce was fortunate to host two panels on breaking into comics. One focused on the do’s and don’ts of pitching a series to a publisher. The other, featuring PR guru Tom Martin, covered the topic of breaking into the comic book industry using Social Media. The jam-packed panel offered fans some inside tips and tricks told through a series of successes, failures and rebirths in the comics industry and how social media and creating your own platform to success can play a huge role in both.
If you’d like more info on this topic please email us
Mikebooks also (re)introduced their brand new Kickstarter for The Sire Vol. 2 directly to the public. The critically acclaimed indie returns to Kickstarter for the Volume 2 trade where our reluctant takes on a cabal of super-powered mobsters, a West Coast threat and dinosaurs(!) But this centuries spanning collection of issues #7-10 isn’t just a reprint. The Sire Vol 2 also features:
- An amazing new cover by Jim (Aquaman) Calafiore
- An All-New 5-Page Prologue Featuring art by Dan Leister
- An EXPANDED “Lost in Time” battle sequence with art by Soussherpa
- Your First Look at The Sire #11 Coming This Fall!
And finally, Dolce was chosen among a select few to pitch SONY/COLUMBIA Pictures. The graphic novel concept of choice was The Undone: the successfully funded Kickstarter about a down on his luck millennial with the ability to rewind time at will.
Overall, an amazing weekend was had by all! Dolce’s next convention will be San Diego ComicCon in July