When the evil Dr. Gravestone unleashes his secret weapons – the powerhouse duo Vex and Dark Angel – to fulfill his quest for world domination, it’s up to the Stranded Soldier and Shinto the Blind Ninja to put an end to his evil plan.
Can the heroes appeal to Vex and Dark Angel to become a force for good rather than evil…before it’s too late?
The Team’s Origin
With the world counting on them to stop Dr. Gravestone’s nuclear reactor from decimating the world, Shinto and Stranded Soldier convince Dark Angel and Vex to ditch Dr. Gravestone when they reveal his plan to double cross them all along. Combining their powers as one, Dr. Gravestone is finally defeated… for now. He manages to escapes at the last minute and goes into hiding, free to plot against our heroes and the world another day.
That’s why this group of battle tested warrior decide to stick together and form a team – to make sure the likes of Dr. Gravestone never terrorize the world again. They are…
The Characters

Vex: With the powers to create duplicates of herself and wormholes in time and space, the villain known as Vex might just be the most formidable foe ever. With her burning hatred for superheroes seared into her soul at a young age, Vex has a personal vendetta against the super hero community.

Stranded Solider: A retired soldier named Bennett has lost everything and everyone he’s held dear. Now he’s pledged to save the world at large, one person at a time so no one would have to go through the pain he’s felt from all these years of being alone.

Dark Angel: Abby Ramirez has always been an outsider and has carried that feeling with her for her entire life. When she is struck by a mysterious energy that gives her powers and bright flowing wings she made a vow not to save the world… but to make it hers.

Shinto The Blind Ninja: Blinded as a child, Shinto’s other senses became heightened to a super level – including his brain. With this newfound intelligence, Shinto invents the Speed Serum and quickly becomes the fastest most agile man on the planet. Combined with his Ninja abilities, Shinto dedicates himself to making the world become a better place.

Dr. Gravestone: Dating back to childhood, Dr. Gravestone dreamed of being one of the most supreme scientists and engineers the world had ever known. That day presented itself in high school when he was invited to join the Supreme Team – the world’s most supreme scientists, engineers and prodigies such as himself. But things quickly went awry when his experiment malfunctioned nearly killing everyone there. Dejected, he begged the judges to let him join their organization, but they refused. And thus began the criminal career of the world’s most dangerous terrorist whose only purpose now is to dominate the planet.